Friday, August 9, 2019

The morality of abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The morality of abortion - Essay Example It has been a question pondered for decades, possibly even millennia. Some feel that it begins at conception, the moment the sperm fertilizes the egg, and others believe life begins only once the being is viable, or can live and breathe on its own, while others argue it is at birth, once it is its own entity. In today’s society this question has taken on a much more legal realm rather than a philosophical one. Due to its validity in the argument for the morality of abortion it has become one of the hottest topics of debate today. Arguments for both sides, pro life and pro choice, can be seen in most every media outlet; from late night TV, to Presidential debates. It seems everyone has a view on this issue and all seem to want to have their say. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the human race has strong ties to its origins so in answering the question of if humans were once fetuses; many feel the answer to when life begins will also be uncovered. After researching the quest ion of, was a human being ever a fetus and the moral issue of what the arguments are for both the anti-abortionist and those who are pro-choice, the question of the morality of abortion should become clear. ... In this he argues that we could never have been something that was not a person, such as a fetus. He then takes this idea step further in saying that since only persons are moral agents and as a result have rights, no abortion ever has nor ever will violate any rights since non-persons, in this case fetuses, do not have any. This debate, though it seems logical, can hold many horrendous implications. If, in society, we view only those who are capable of rational and moral activity, as persons and therefore the only ones to have rights, many others besides the fetus could be excluded. Take for instance a man in a comma. In the comma state the man does not have the ability of ration or moral activity; he is in a sense a vegetable, same as a fetus. So according to this theory if he was an inconvenience then the plug could be pulled and it would be okay to let him die because he is not essentially a person. A new born, according to this theory, could also be deemed incapable of rational and moral activity, so in essence it is yet to be essentially a person, so therefore has no rights and if one so choose could be done away with. Another example would be a mentally handicap person, in many severe cases, the mentally handicap are incapable of rational and moral activity, therefore are they not considered essentially persons with rights. It seems that saying that only those with rational and moral activity are essentially persons and therefore have rights is a dangerous road to travel. Olson, however, takes on the view that we are not all essentially persons, but that each of us is essentially a member of the species, Homo sapiens, in short, an animal, a biological kind. He says that the properties of personhood are acquired by humans at some stage in

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