Saturday, August 31, 2019

Boyz N the Hood

For my paper on the movie Boyz N the Hood as well as the reading Black Freedom Fighters in Steel, I will find a common theme that is used in both and explain how they used that theme in their work. The common theme that I found that was used in both the movie and the book is how the characters dealt with the oppression that was in their lives. The characters from the movie Boyz N the Hood that I will be referring to are Doughboy, Officer Coffey, and Shalika. The characters that I will be using from the book Black Freedom Fighters in Steel are George Kimbley, Curtis Strong, and Jonathan Comer.They all dealt with oppression differently some used it to their advantage, some people used it to hurt others, some made something of themselves, and some did nothing to make themselves better. In Black Freedom Fighters in Steel, George Kimbley was the first man that I read about who stuck in my head while the whole time while reading this book. His mother had taught him at a young age by watchi ng and observing how she dealt with the white people. She used trust as a form of power. If you could get the white folks to trust you and hold certain secrets between you, then that would go a long way back in the day.As a young child George did not go that far in school because he always thought he was a bright kid and could easily remember information after reading it one time. George would go up to the eighth grade and start his life as a working man. He would play along with how the white people who treated him bad and make them feel uncomfortable. He would teach them a lesson by embarrassing them in front of their peers. He would show the white people that he was unaffected by their words and would bury those feelings deep down even if it hurt he wouldn’t show them that it was affecting him.Teaching the white people that their words do not affect you is a great way to deal with the oppression. George using trust as a way of dealing with the oppression came when he was w orking the ice wagon. He was working with a guy named Adam’s, and he would walk to the people’s houses and if they had the money he would leave the ice for them but if they did not have the money he would take it and walk to the next house. Well George would watch this and use this to his advantage. George would walk up to those houses that did not have the money and he would bring them the ice.One event took place when he walked into a lady’s house with ice and she said, â€Å"Well, the other man was in here; he wouldn’t leave the ice, because we didn’t have the money. † And I says, â€Å"Well, I can’t take it back. Oh, I know how hot it is and all, and if I let you have this ice and they find out, they’ll fire me and I don’t want to be fired. † â€Å"Oh, I won’t tell anybody and I would leave the ice† (pg. 16-17). He would use this trust to show the white people to not stereotype him or any black p erson just because of their skin.He did this to show them that he is a caring person and is a good person and will help out someone no matter what color their skin is. While working at the mill he fought to get the black man into the union and once that he got them into the union, he did not want them to get any favors. He simply wanted every man working there to earn their way on their own merit. No hand-outs for anybody but for everyone to be brothers. George Kimbley did not want favoritism for African American’s, but give them a chance to prove what they could do and not judge or think down upon them because of the color of their skin.The second man that I read about was Curtis Strong. One word that can describe him is rebel. He was an outspoken man and he did not let any problem go unattended on his watch. Curtis said, â€Å"I often wondered why blacks take so damn much of that before they rebel. I realize, though, that we had been conditioned for untold number of years that you did have a place† (pg. 89). He used his mouth to fight the black man’s fight whether it was against the Klu Klux Klan or a possible labor dispute for the church. Curtis was a very vocal man and was an involved man in anything that had to do with the struggle of the black man.Curtis Strong worked in the coke plant during the war. It was a hot and unsafe area to work in for any human but he chose that job to become a leader in the union. This type of job was where the majority if not all the African American’s worked in. The black workers lead by Strong, formed the Sentinel League in 1943. Later on Curtis would be elected as the Griever and that was the man who would fight for the workers if they felt they were being treated unfairly or if there was a problem in the workplace. Using this job title, Strong would go on to fight for the black workers and more importantly for black people around the world.The way the broke down discrimination in the coke plant was by having wildcats. The coke plant was the heart of the steel company because without the coke you can’t have steel. So if everyone would leave the coke plant which was the black workers, which would cause other parts of the steel mill which was the white workers, to close down also because nobody was in the coke plant to work. Curtis understood power and that it took power to make change. Being able to have that kind of power was quite the advantage for Strong as a Griever.He knew that the coke plant was the key to the steel company and if he felt an injustice towards the black workers he would shut down Gary Works by these wildcats. Jonathan Comer was the final person in the book that I thought dealt with oppression very well. Jonathan got a job at the mill as a chipper. He didn’t like the job as a chipper and wanted to get a raise. He applied as a maintenance worker but he was told that it was not a black man’s job. Him signing that line to get the job m ade everyone angry because a black man had tried to get another job besides the chipper.Management had ways of not allowing the blacks to go further up in the workforce. After being denied the position, Comer talked to the superintendent melter and he told Comer, â€Å"He didn’t want colored on his turn,† Comer said. â€Å"He said, ‘You see, I haven’t been here that long, and I have to make a name for myself, and I don’t want you messing up. Colored people just don’t think keenly enough like white people do in this type of work. Maybe someday they will, but I just don’t want you on my floor’† (pg. 125). After that conversation made him extremely angry, he learned that he could use the grievance procedure to help me fight his battles.Later on he applied for another spot that had opened up and he had gotten. Most of his life he spent as a union activist, spending most of his days battling job segregation. He fought oppressi on though grievances and held the grievers job for thirteen years. From the movie Boyz N the Hood, the first person I will talk about that shows the use of oppression is Doughboy and how he dealt with it. Doughboy was raised by just his mother and she never seemed to want to pay him any mind. He just seemed like an inconvenience to her. Doughboy had a step brother named Ricky and their mother always showed more favoritism towards Ricky.Not having a man around the house and having his mother talk down on him; Doughboy never was able to make anything of himself. He always was getting into trouble and showing nobody respect. You see throughout the movie how he oppresses women and other people. His respect for women is very low and in the movie Doughboy refers to women as â€Å"hoes† or â€Å"bitches†. When he is released from prison, there is a scene where all the guys at the party rushed to grab the food before the women at the party could get a chance to make their plat es first and shoved the women out of the way.Trey sees that and he tries to get Doughboy to catch on that women need to be shown more respect. As soon as Doughboy’s sees what Tre is doing, he says â€Å"Ho's gotta eat too. † Then Shalika says: â€Å"Who you callin' a ho', I ain't no ho'. † Doughboy says: â€Å"Oops, I'm sorry, bitch. † Doughboy’s mother then smacks him for the rude remark. That was his first run in with his bad manners towards women. Another incident when you see the respect for women thrown out the window is when doughboy was arguing with Shalika again while they were all sitting in his car on Crenshaw.Shalika says, â€Å"Who you callin' a ho', I ain't no ho' and â€Å"Why is it every time you talk about a female you gotta say bitch, ho, or hootchie? Doughboy says, â€Å"Cause that's what you are. † Not having a father around to be a role model like Tre had with Furious shows with how Doughboy interacts with anybody throu ghout the movie. You even see how he talks to women when they walk down the street and he is trying to have sex with them and he shouts disrespectful things towards them. Doughboy in my opinion has accepted the oppression from his mother, that he is nothing but a waste of space and he does nothing to better himself his entire life.Officer Coffey shows how he has dealt with oppression by oppressing others around him like Tre or how he talks about African Americans throughout the movie. He comes in and you think that since he is an African American he will want to be trying to help his own people out and make his community better. But after Furious house was broken into and he shot at him, he calls the police. They take over an hour to get there and when they show up Officer Coffey has a doughnut in his hand and just casually walks up like nothing happened.He uses nigger to describe the kind of people that are walking amongst the streets. Furious doesn’t like it and they exchan ge a couple words about how Furious should have shot him because it would have been one less nigger on the streets. Furious sends Tre back inside and the officer Coffey says, â€Å"Something wrong? † Furious says, â€Å"Something wrong? Yeah. It's just too bad you don't know what it is†¦ Brother. † I think that while growing up Officer Coffey experienced some bad things and he has held that against the black people in the movie.Another part in the movie where Officer Coffey shows off a deeper meaning behind his hate towards the young black folks is when he pulls over Tre and Ricky after the dispute that happened when everyone is on Crenshaw hanging out. When he pulls Tre over and has both of them get out of the car, Tre says, â€Å"I didn't do nothing. † Officer Coffey says, â€Å"You think you tough? † Then pulls a gun on Tre, Officer Coffey says, â€Å"Scared now, ain't you? I like that. That's why I took this job. I hate little motherfuckers like you. Little niggers, you ain't shit!I could blow your head off with this Smith ; Wesson and you couldn't do shit. Think you tough? What set you from? Look like one of them Crenshaw mafia motherfuckers. † When he says that to Tre it showed me that there is a deeper meaning to why he needs that much control over someone. His childhood could have been a troubled one and he is using his new power of being a police officer to take it out on anyone who is in his way. The third person I will talk about is Shalika. Shalika is a black girl that is shown throughout the movie and Doughboy is always talking down to her.She is the only one that ever says anything to Doughboy about saying the demeaning things towards women. As I mentioned early in the Doughboy section, when they are getting ready to eat Doughboy is calling her a ho then when she tells him that she isn’t a ho, he calls her a bitch. She doesn’t take kind to that talk towards her and she tries to defend herself. But like most women being talked to like that, they pretty much just sit back and take it because it has always been like that in their lives. Another incident came when they were in the car on Crenshaw and Doughboy was talking bad about women again.Shalika is trying to stand up for herself throughout the movie but not much changed. In conclusion, oppression is dealt with in many ways. More people from the book seemed like the succeeded through the oppression rather than the movie. The people from the book worked harder for what they had and wanted to achieve. Not many people in the movie wanted to really do much with their lives but Tre and Ricky. Living in an oppressive area is hard and some may not handle it well but I think that the Black Freedom Fighters in Steel showed the best ways on how to deal with oppression. Boyz N the Hood For my paper on the movie Boyz N the Hood as well as the reading Black Freedom Fighters in Steel, I will find a common theme that is used in both and explain how they used that theme in their work. The common theme that I found that was used in both the movie and the book is how the characters dealt with the oppression that was in their lives. The characters from the movie Boyz N the Hood that I will be referring to are Doughboy, Officer Coffey, and Shalika. The characters that I will be using from the book Black Freedom Fighters in Steel are George Kimbley, Curtis Strong, and Jonathan Comer.They all dealt with oppression differently some used it to their advantage, some people used it to hurt others, some made something of themselves, and some did nothing to make themselves better. In Black Freedom Fighters in Steel, George Kimbley was the first man that I read about who stuck in my head while the whole time while reading this book. His mother had taught him at a young age by watchi ng and observing how she dealt with the white people. She used trust as a form of power. If you could get the white folks to trust you and hold certain secrets between you, then that would go a long way back in the day.As a young child George did not go that far in school because he always thought he was a bright kid and could easily remember information after reading it one time. George would go up to the eighth grade and start his life as a working man. He would play along with how the white people who treated him bad and make them feel uncomfortable. He would teach them a lesson by embarrassing them in front of their peers. He would show the white people that he was unaffected by their words and would bury those feelings deep down even if it hurt he wouldn’t show them that it was affecting him.Teaching the white people that their words do not affect you is a great way to deal with the oppression. George using trust as a way of dealing with the oppression came when he was w orking the ice wagon. He was working with a guy named Adam’s, and he would walk to the people’s houses and if they had the money he would leave the ice for them but if they did not have the money he would take it and walk to the next house. Well George would watch this and use this to his advantage. George would walk up to those houses that did not have the money and he would bring them the ice.One event took place when he walked into a lady’s house with ice and she said, â€Å"Well, the other man was in here; he wouldn’t leave the ice, because we didn’t have the money. † And I says, â€Å"Well, I can’t take it back. Oh, I know how hot it is and all, and if I let you have this ice and they find out, they’ll fire me and I don’t want to be fired. † â€Å"Oh, I won’t tell anybody and I would leave the ice† (pg. 16-17). He would use this trust to show the white people to not stereotype him or any black p erson just because of their skin.He did this to show them that he is a caring person and is a good person and will help out someone no matter what color their skin is. While working at the mill he fought to get the black man into the union and once that he got them into the union, he did not want them to get any favors. He simply wanted every man working there to earn their way on their own merit. No hand-outs for anybody but for everyone to be brothers. George Kimbley did not want favoritism for African American’s, but give them a chance to prove what they could do and not judge or think down upon them because of the color of their skin.The second man that I read about was Curtis Strong. One word that can describe him is rebel. He was an outspoken man and he did not let any problem go unattended on his watch. Curtis said, â€Å"I often wondered why blacks take so damn much of that before they rebel. I realize, though, that we had been conditioned for untold number of years that you did have a place† (pg. 89). He used his mouth to fight the black man’s fight whether it was against the Klu Klux Klan or a possible labor dispute for the church. Curtis was a very vocal man and was an involved man in anything that had to do with the struggle of the black man.Curtis Strong worked in the coke plant during the war. It was a hot and unsafe area to work in for any human but he chose that job to become a leader in the union. This type of job was where the majority if not all the African American’s worked in. The black workers lead by Strong, formed the Sentinel League in 1943. Later on Curtis would be elected as the Griever and that was the man who would fight for the workers if they felt they were being treated unfairly or if there was a problem in the workplace. Using this job title, Strong would go on to fight for the black workers and more importantly for black people around the world.The way the broke down discrimination in the coke plant was by having wildcats. The coke plant was the heart of the steel company because without the coke you can’t have steel. So if everyone would leave the coke plant which was the black workers, which would cause other parts of the steel mill which was the white workers, to close down also because nobody was in the coke plant to work. Curtis understood power and that it took power to make change. Being able to have that kind of power was quite the advantage for Strong as a Griever.He knew that the coke plant was the key to the steel company and if he felt an injustice towards the black workers he would shut down Gary Works by these wildcats. Jonathan Comer was the final person in the book that I thought dealt with oppression very well. Jonathan got a job at the mill as a chipper. He didn’t like the job as a chipper and wanted to get a raise. He applied as a maintenance worker but he was told that it was not a black man’s job. Him signing that line to get the job m ade everyone angry because a black man had tried to get another job besides the chipper.Management had ways of not allowing the blacks to go further up in the workforce. After being denied the position, Comer talked to the superintendent melter and he told Comer, â€Å"He didn’t want colored on his turn,† Comer said. â€Å"He said, ‘You see, I haven’t been here that long, and I have to make a name for myself, and I don’t want you messing up. Colored people just don’t think keenly enough like white people do in this type of work. Maybe someday they will, but I just don’t want you on my floor’† (pg. 125). After that conversation made him extremely angry, he learned that he could use the grievance procedure to help me fight his battles.Later on he applied for another spot that had opened up and he had gotten. Most of his life he spent as a union activist, spending most of his days battling job segregation. He fought oppressi on though grievances and held the grievers job for thirteen years. From the movie Boyz N the Hood, the first person I will talk about that shows the use of oppression is Doughboy and how he dealt with it. Doughboy was raised by just his mother and she never seemed to want to pay him any mind. He just seemed like an inconvenience to her. Doughboy had a step brother named Ricky and their mother always showed more favoritism towards Ricky.Not having a man around the house and having his mother talk down on him; Doughboy never was able to make anything of himself. He always was getting into trouble and showing nobody respect. You see throughout the movie how he oppresses women and other people. His respect for women is very low and in the movie Doughboy refers to women as â€Å"hoes† or â€Å"bitches†. When he is released from prison, there is a scene where all the guys at the party rushed to grab the food before the women at the party could get a chance to make their plat es first and shoved the women out of the way.Trey sees that and he tries to get Doughboy to catch on that women need to be shown more respect. As soon as Doughboy’s sees what Tre is doing, he says â€Å"Ho's gotta eat too. † Then Shalika says: â€Å"Who you callin' a ho', I ain't no ho'. † Doughboy says: â€Å"Oops, I'm sorry, bitch. † Doughboy’s mother then smacks him for the rude remark. That was his first run in with his bad manners towards women. Another incident when you see the respect for women thrown out the window is when doughboy was arguing with Shalika again while they were all sitting in his car on Crenshaw.Shalika says, â€Å"Who you callin' a ho', I ain't no ho' and â€Å"Why is it every time you talk about a female you gotta say bitch, ho, or hootchie? Doughboy says, â€Å"Cause that's what you are. † Not having a father around to be a role model like Tre had with Furious shows with how Doughboy interacts with anybody throu ghout the movie. You even see how he talks to women when they walk down the street and he is trying to have sex with them and he shouts disrespectful things towards them. Doughboy in my opinion has accepted the oppression from his mother, that he is nothing but a waste of space and he does nothing to better himself his entire life.Officer Coffey shows how he has dealt with oppression by oppressing others around him like Tre or how he talks about African Americans throughout the movie. He comes in and you think that since he is an African American he will want to be trying to help his own people out and make his community better. But after Furious house was broken into and he shot at him, he calls the police. They take over an hour to get there and when they show up Officer Coffey has a doughnut in his hand and just casually walks up like nothing happened.He uses nigger to describe the kind of people that are walking amongst the streets. Furious doesn’t like it and they exchan ge a couple words about how Furious should have shot him because it would have been one less nigger on the streets. Furious sends Tre back inside and the officer Coffey says, â€Å"Something wrong? † Furious says, â€Å"Something wrong? Yeah. It's just too bad you don't know what it is†¦ Brother. † I think that while growing up Officer Coffey experienced some bad things and he has held that against the black people in the movie.Another part in the movie where Officer Coffey shows off a deeper meaning behind his hate towards the young black folks is when he pulls over Tre and Ricky after the dispute that happened when everyone is on Crenshaw hanging out. When he pulls Tre over and has both of them get out of the car, Tre says, â€Å"I didn't do nothing. † Officer Coffey says, â€Å"You think you tough? † Then pulls a gun on Tre, Officer Coffey says, â€Å"Scared now, ain't you? I like that. That's why I took this job. I hate little motherfuckers like you. Little niggers, you ain't shit!I could blow your head off with this Smith ; Wesson and you couldn't do shit. Think you tough? What set you from? Look like one of them Crenshaw mafia motherfuckers. † When he says that to Tre it showed me that there is a deeper meaning to why he needs that much control over someone. His childhood could have been a troubled one and he is using his new power of being a police officer to take it out on anyone who is in his way. The third person I will talk about is Shalika. Shalika is a black girl that is shown throughout the movie and Doughboy is always talking down to her.She is the only one that ever says anything to Doughboy about saying the demeaning things towards women. As I mentioned early in the Doughboy section, when they are getting ready to eat Doughboy is calling her a ho then when she tells him that she isn’t a ho, he calls her a bitch. She doesn’t take kind to that talk towards her and she tries to defend herself. But like most women being talked to like that, they pretty much just sit back and take it because it has always been like that in their lives. Another incident came when they were in the car on Crenshaw and Doughboy was talking bad about women again.Shalika is trying to stand up for herself throughout the movie but not much changed. In conclusion, oppression is dealt with in many ways. More people from the book seemed like the succeeded through the oppression rather than the movie. The people from the book worked harder for what they had and wanted to achieve. Not many people in the movie wanted to really do much with their lives but Tre and Ricky. Living in an oppressive area is hard and some may not handle it well but I think that the Black Freedom Fighters in Steel showed the best ways on how to deal with oppression. Boyz N the Hood For my paper on the movie Boyz N the Hood as well as the reading Black Freedom Fighters in Steel, I will find a common theme that is used in both and explain how they used that theme in their work. The common theme that I found that was used in both the movie and the book is how the characters dealt with the oppression that was in their lives. The characters from the movie Boyz N the Hood that I will be referring to are Doughboy, Officer Coffey, and Shalika. The characters that I will be using from the book Black Freedom Fighters in Steel are George Kimbley, Curtis Strong, and Jonathan Comer.They all dealt with oppression differently some used it to their advantage, some people used it to hurt others, some made something of themselves, and some did nothing to make themselves better. In Black Freedom Fighters in Steel, George Kimbley was the first man that I read about who stuck in my head while the whole time while reading this book. His mother had taught him at a young age by watchi ng and observing how she dealt with the white people. She used trust as a form of power. If you could get the white folks to trust you and hold certain secrets between you, then that would go a long way back in the day.As a young child George did not go that far in school because he always thought he was a bright kid and could easily remember information after reading it one time. George would go up to the eighth grade and start his life as a working man. He would play along with how the white people who treated him bad and make them feel uncomfortable. He would teach them a lesson by embarrassing them in front of their peers. He would show the white people that he was unaffected by their words and would bury those feelings deep down even if it hurt he wouldn’t show them that it was affecting him.Teaching the white people that their words do not affect you is a great way to deal with the oppression. George using trust as a way of dealing with the oppression came when he was w orking the ice wagon. He was working with a guy named Adam’s, and he would walk to the people’s houses and if they had the money he would leave the ice for them but if they did not have the money he would take it and walk to the next house. Well George would watch this and use this to his advantage. George would walk up to those houses that did not have the money and he would bring them the ice.One event took place when he walked into a lady’s house with ice and she said, â€Å"Well, the other man was in here; he wouldn’t leave the ice, because we didn’t have the money. † And I says, â€Å"Well, I can’t take it back. Oh, I know how hot it is and all, and if I let you have this ice and they find out, they’ll fire me and I don’t want to be fired. † â€Å"Oh, I won’t tell anybody and I would leave the ice† (pg. 16-17). He would use this trust to show the white people to not stereotype him or any black p erson just because of their skin.He did this to show them that he is a caring person and is a good person and will help out someone no matter what color their skin is. While working at the mill he fought to get the black man into the union and once that he got them into the union, he did not want them to get any favors. He simply wanted every man working there to earn their way on their own merit. No hand-outs for anybody but for everyone to be brothers. George Kimbley did not want favoritism for African American’s, but give them a chance to prove what they could do and not judge or think down upon them because of the color of their skin.The second man that I read about was Curtis Strong. One word that can describe him is rebel. He was an outspoken man and he did not let any problem go unattended on his watch. Curtis said, â€Å"I often wondered why blacks take so damn much of that before they rebel. I realize, though, that we had been conditioned for untold number of years that you did have a place† (pg. 89). He used his mouth to fight the black man’s fight whether it was against the Klu Klux Klan or a possible labor dispute for the church. Curtis was a very vocal man and was an involved man in anything that had to do with the struggle of the black man.Curtis Strong worked in the coke plant during the war. It was a hot and unsafe area to work in for any human but he chose that job to become a leader in the union. This type of job was where the majority if not all the African American’s worked in. The black workers lead by Strong, formed the Sentinel League in 1943. Later on Curtis would be elected as the Griever and that was the man who would fight for the workers if they felt they were being treated unfairly or if there was a problem in the workplace. Using this job title, Strong would go on to fight for the black workers and more importantly for black people around the world.The way the broke down discrimination in the coke plant was by having wildcats. The coke plant was the heart of the steel company because without the coke you can’t have steel. So if everyone would leave the coke plant which was the black workers, which would cause other parts of the steel mill which was the white workers, to close down also because nobody was in the coke plant to work. Curtis understood power and that it took power to make change. Being able to have that kind of power was quite the advantage for Strong as a Griever.He knew that the coke plant was the key to the steel company and if he felt an injustice towards the black workers he would shut down Gary Works by these wildcats. Jonathan Comer was the final person in the book that I thought dealt with oppression very well. Jonathan got a job at the mill as a chipper. He didn’t like the job as a chipper and wanted to get a raise. He applied as a maintenance worker but he was told that it was not a black man’s job. Him signing that line to get the job m ade everyone angry because a black man had tried to get another job besides the chipper.Management had ways of not allowing the blacks to go further up in the workforce. After being denied the position, Comer talked to the superintendent melter and he told Comer, â€Å"He didn’t want colored on his turn,† Comer said. â€Å"He said, ‘You see, I haven’t been here that long, and I have to make a name for myself, and I don’t want you messing up. Colored people just don’t think keenly enough like white people do in this type of work. Maybe someday they will, but I just don’t want you on my floor’† (pg. 125). After that conversation made him extremely angry, he learned that he could use the grievance procedure to help me fight his battles.Later on he applied for another spot that had opened up and he had gotten. Most of his life he spent as a union activist, spending most of his days battling job segregation. He fought oppressi on though grievances and held the grievers job for thirteen years. From the movie Boyz N the Hood, the first person I will talk about that shows the use of oppression is Doughboy and how he dealt with it. Doughboy was raised by just his mother and she never seemed to want to pay him any mind. He just seemed like an inconvenience to her. Doughboy had a step brother named Ricky and their mother always showed more favoritism towards Ricky.Not having a man around the house and having his mother talk down on him; Doughboy never was able to make anything of himself. He always was getting into trouble and showing nobody respect. You see throughout the movie how he oppresses women and other people. His respect for women is very low and in the movie Doughboy refers to women as â€Å"hoes† or â€Å"bitches†. When he is released from prison, there is a scene where all the guys at the party rushed to grab the food before the women at the party could get a chance to make their plat es first and shoved the women out of the way.Trey sees that and he tries to get Doughboy to catch on that women need to be shown more respect. As soon as Doughboy’s sees what Tre is doing, he says â€Å"Ho's gotta eat too. † Then Shalika says: â€Å"Who you callin' a ho', I ain't no ho'. † Doughboy says: â€Å"Oops, I'm sorry, bitch. † Doughboy’s mother then smacks him for the rude remark. That was his first run in with his bad manners towards women. Another incident when you see the respect for women thrown out the window is when doughboy was arguing with Shalika again while they were all sitting in his car on Crenshaw.Shalika says, â€Å"Who you callin' a ho', I ain't no ho' and â€Å"Why is it every time you talk about a female you gotta say bitch, ho, or hootchie? Doughboy says, â€Å"Cause that's what you are. † Not having a father around to be a role model like Tre had with Furious shows with how Doughboy interacts with anybody throu ghout the movie. You even see how he talks to women when they walk down the street and he is trying to have sex with them and he shouts disrespectful things towards them. Doughboy in my opinion has accepted the oppression from his mother, that he is nothing but a waste of space and he does nothing to better himself his entire life.Officer Coffey shows how he has dealt with oppression by oppressing others around him like Tre or how he talks about African Americans throughout the movie. He comes in and you think that since he is an African American he will want to be trying to help his own people out and make his community better. But after Furious house was broken into and he shot at him, he calls the police. They take over an hour to get there and when they show up Officer Coffey has a doughnut in his hand and just casually walks up like nothing happened.He uses nigger to describe the kind of people that are walking amongst the streets. Furious doesn’t like it and they exchan ge a couple words about how Furious should have shot him because it would have been one less nigger on the streets. Furious sends Tre back inside and the officer Coffey says, â€Å"Something wrong? † Furious says, â€Å"Something wrong? Yeah. It's just too bad you don't know what it is†¦ Brother. † I think that while growing up Officer Coffey experienced some bad things and he has held that against the black people in the movie.Another part in the movie where Officer Coffey shows off a deeper meaning behind his hate towards the young black folks is when he pulls over Tre and Ricky after the dispute that happened when everyone is on Crenshaw hanging out. When he pulls Tre over and has both of them get out of the car, Tre says, â€Å"I didn't do nothing. † Officer Coffey says, â€Å"You think you tough? † Then pulls a gun on Tre, Officer Coffey says, â€Å"Scared now, ain't you? I like that. That's why I took this job. I hate little motherfuckers like you. Little niggers, you ain't shit!I could blow your head off with this Smith ; Wesson and you couldn't do shit. Think you tough? What set you from? Look like one of them Crenshaw mafia motherfuckers. † When he says that to Tre it showed me that there is a deeper meaning to why he needs that much control over someone. His childhood could have been a troubled one and he is using his new power of being a police officer to take it out on anyone who is in his way. The third person I will talk about is Shalika. Shalika is a black girl that is shown throughout the movie and Doughboy is always talking down to her.She is the only one that ever says anything to Doughboy about saying the demeaning things towards women. As I mentioned early in the Doughboy section, when they are getting ready to eat Doughboy is calling her a ho then when she tells him that she isn’t a ho, he calls her a bitch. She doesn’t take kind to that talk towards her and she tries to defend herself. But like most women being talked to like that, they pretty much just sit back and take it because it has always been like that in their lives. Another incident came when they were in the car on Crenshaw and Doughboy was talking bad about women again.Shalika is trying to stand up for herself throughout the movie but not much changed. In conclusion, oppression is dealt with in many ways. More people from the book seemed like the succeeded through the oppression rather than the movie. The people from the book worked harder for what they had and wanted to achieve. Not many people in the movie wanted to really do much with their lives but Tre and Ricky. Living in an oppressive area is hard and some may not handle it well but I think that the Black Freedom Fighters in Steel showed the best ways on how to deal with oppression.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Japan CCOT Essay

In 1853, Western imperialism was at its height. It was spreading to several countries. British colonized India, the dutch colonized Indonesia, the United States colonized the philippines, and the french colonized vietnam. In 1929, the crash of the stock market brought a worldwide depression, known as the Great Depression. The depression caused instability in many countries. International commerce declined and tax revenues, profits, and personal income decreased. The great depression especially impacted countries that were in need of raw materials. Between the time of 1853 to 1941, Japan’s culture and political structure changed in the hopes of becoming more westernized because they wanted to be seen as equals to the Western countries. Japan also became more militaristic in hopes of not being a victim of imperialism. Although Japan experienced some changes, Japan continued the ideology of kokutai as a method for imperial advancement. Japan’s cultural and political structure changed from being a weak isolated nation to a modern imperialist country. Before Japan westernized, it was under the rule of the Tokugawa shogunate. This was an agricultural economy with a population of 13 billion. Japan did not associate with any other country because they believed foreign influence was a destabilizing factor. This resulted in overcrowded farms and scarce minerals. In 1853, Commodore Perry came to japan with his big black ships. The technological advancements of the ships shocked the japanese. They ended isolationism and opened trade ports in order to avoid destruction. Failure of success, in 1868 the Tokugawa shogun was overthrown and emperor Meiji had complete power. During this time, Japan was very decentralized. There were several semi-independent feudal lords. The emperor saw how Japan was at a great disadvantage from being in isolation for so many years. He knew that in order to strengthen Japan, change was need ed. This resulted in the Meiji Restoration. By 1912 Japan had a highly centralized government. There was a constitution establishing under an elected parliament. Japan had a well developed transport and communication system. Japan also increased their knowledge. There were no more feudal class restrictions in Japan. Japan was no longer weak, instead they were powerful. Japan changed from being a militarily weak country to having a powerful army  and navy. During the Tokugawa Shogunate, samurai were the soldiers of Japan. However, due to the long period of isolationism, samurais were losing their military function. Sumaris were used more for symbolism rather than support. In 1853, Commodore Perry came to Japan and threatened to destroy them if Japan did not open ports for trade. Japan’s army was to weak at that time to ignore this threat. Due to this, the Meiji reformers eliminated the outdated samurais and built a fresh new imperial army. The Meiji reforms did not want to be the target of the West, and to do that they needed to have a strong and superior army. The japanese believed a strong army was the key to imperialist success. A strong army can allow expansion. During the Great Depression, it was difficult for countries to trade. Japan was reliant on imports of resources from other countries such as the United States. The lack of impor ts resulted in Japanese expansion to China. The Japanese thought if they colonized China, they could be a non reliant country. They could support themselves with supplies. Japan were able to use military strategies in order to expand. In 1931, the Japanese blamed the Chinese for putting an unknown bomb in a railway near Shenyang. They used this as an excuse to completely occupy Manchuria. Manchuria had all the necessities that were needed by the Japanese such as coal, iron, and other minerals. This resulted in the colonization of Manchuria. Japan invaded Manchuria so that they no longer had to depend on foreign trade for resources. In 1941, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. This act of aggression showed that Japan believed they were strong enough to fight the militant strong United States. In 1853 the United States had sent a threat to weak Japan, however throughout the years Japan trained its army and back fired at the United States. THis showed how Japan had changed it’s military drastically since 1853. Despite all these changes, Japan continued the belief of Kokutai. Kokutai was strong Japanese identification. Kokutai gave the Japanese one common identity. This related every Japanese to another. Despite the weak military, economy, and culture during the Tokugawa Shogunate Period, it was still a period of advocation for kokutai. According to the Japanese, they believed that the emperor was a descendant of god and so were the Japanese people. This belief made the Japanese think that their race was superior. This nationalism was a uniting factor. The tokugawa Shogunate period used kokutai as means of maintaining the Japanese culture. After the Meiji Restoration, the emperor wanted to maintain this uniting factor so he established a Shinto-oriented state. Shinto teachers would advocate kokutai ideology to children. This resulted in a rise of nationalism. IN 1853, when Japan opened their ports, they ended isolationism. The end of isolationism imported several Western ideas, however the Japanese did not use this as a weakness. Instead they integrated their Japanese beliefs of kokutai with western ideas. They adopted the western culture and used it with national polity. In the 1930’s, Japan saw that imperialism was necessary in order to get the resources they needed. The idea of racial superiority made the Japanese they are better than any other country and they can invade any country they want. In 1937, the Japanese captured Nanking and harmed thousands of civilians because the Japanese believed they were better than the Chinese. This was known as the Nanking Massacre. There was mass murder and mass rape done by the Japanese troops. Since the Japanese were â€Å"superior,† they believed it was okay to treat the Chinese this way. They were inferior because they were not descendants of God. Between the time of 1853 to 1941, Japan’s culture and political structure became more Westernized so that they can be an equal power to the Western imperialistic nations. Japan also became a strong militaristic country, so that they could defend themselves from any hindering imperialistic power. In spite of all these changes, kokutai advocated extreme nationalism and racial superiority throughout Japan. The end of isolationism made Japan rise as an imperialist power. The Great Depression was the main driving factor for imperialistic views in Japan. Japan was able to accomplish their goal of westernizing while still maintaining Japanese distinct ideologies such as kokutai. Through Japan’s progression from 1853 to 1941, it can be seen how significantly the Western nations impacted Pacific nations.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Business and IT

Information Technology (IT) is vogue today. It is penetrating in the lives of every generation. Everyone is using it for various purposes but the younger generation uses it the most. Thus generation has the glimpse of IT in all the work indulging daily life as well as the professional sector (Hamel & Prahalad, 2013). Earlier IT was not in much trend and thus, people used o do the work differently. Today, the way younger generations work is different from that of the older one. The differences between their ways of working are- Earlier, people used to do all the works manually, but now no one is done so. People do not prefer pen and paper work anymore. Everyone looks for digitalized things. Earlier there were mangers for every field but today the managers are replaced by systems (Crain, 2015). puters do all the work that people used to do. Use of technology increases the transparency between firm and the customers and also in every level of employees. Also, it saves great amount of money and thus enabling the firm to utilize the money in other sectors. The older generation might not know the proper use of technology and thus gap may arise between the generations giving rise to many other issues. The environment of the firm may get spoilt because of this. Thus, use of IT must be done in an organization with proper assistance and surveillance keeping the older generations in mind. Hamel, G., & Prahalad, C. K. (2013). peting for the Future. Harvard Business Press. Crain, W. (2015).  Theories of development: Concepts and applications. Psychology Press.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Fluoridation and Toxicity Issues Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Fluoridation and Toxicity Issues - Assignment Example Fluoridation might actually result in the darkening of the teeth or dental fluorosis and may even affect the gums (The Debate over Adding Fluoride in Our Water, 2013). This will result in something like what American researchers called the Colorado Brown Stain, which was a result of excessive use of fluoride and which affected some children from 1909 to 1915. Moreover, the darkening of the teeth was not related to tooth decay (The Story of Fluoridation, 2011). In a study by Parnell et al. (2009), there have been 88 studies that revealed that fluorosis may be derived from drinking of water treated with fluoride. Fluoride consumption in drinking water may also be associated with problems concerning the health of the skeletal system. The most common is bone fracture (Limeback, 2000). The most common of these bone fracture types is hip fracture (Diesendorf et al., 1997). Moreover, data from 29 studies prove that long-term consumption of drinking water with fluoride can result in bone fracture (Parnell et al., 2009). Indeed, even though these studies are mostly from the United States, it does not change the fact that the potential harmful effects of fluoride can happen to any group of people in the world as long as they are exposed to relatively large amounts of the chemical in water. The third and perhaps most difficult concern, which I hope Dr. Nokes will bring up and clarify, is that an excess of fluoride in the human body is simply â€Å"detrimental to long-term dental and overall health† (The Debate over Adding Fluoride in Our Water, 2013). This is indeed very alarming because people are actually not familiar with the standard amount of fluoride that a human body must take in as well as the maximum levels of the chemical that the body can handle. Although the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States points out 4 mg/L as the standard maximum tolerable aount of fluoride that Americans can take in, the data may be

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

What is feminismwhat is feminist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

What is feminismwhat is feminist - Essay Example My best friend, Cheng Zhang also has the same view that women should be free from any patriarchal control in the society. Cheng also associated herself with women celebrities like Wendi Deng and Hilary Clinton who are feminists. Cheng was proud to be a woman while responding during interviews and her body language was enthusiastic. My mother, Lei Wang was quite content to take care of her home and family where she is the home-maker. She declined to be a feminist as it would put her into mental stress and explained feminism as the role of a woman in taking responsibility and decisions in family life. My mother was quite conservative in her body language. My dad, Weijie Cai considers himself to be a feminist and believes that feminism is all about the aspect of equality of rights among men and women. He was quite assertive with his body language. The fifth and the last respondent was Abby Chen who is my dad’s friend and she is an acute feminist. She believes in women rights and has held events on feminism in China. She was quite aggressive in her body language. Trends were observed from the respondents that the young generation is more passionate of the feminist sentiment. The feminist sentiment is also strongly present in the previous generation as in the case of my dad’s friend but a higher percentage likes to go either by the concept of equal rights among men and women or some women may detach themselves to be called as feminist due to the aspects of man hating and unattractiveness associated with feminism. Looking at the aspect of Zombie feminism which explains the growth of feminism sentiment among the young generation from the stage of its apparent death over a period of time in modern era, I assumed that there would be varied responses from the interviewees on their consideration towards feminism. Although there were both positive and negative responses on feminist view, this could be

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Quest For Wisdom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Quest For Wisdom - Essay Example For Pieper, the manner of Liesure contemplation is escorted and saturated by an unforced consciousness for religion, the thoughtful dream of the intellectus, which is not lively but inert, or somewhat amenable, the commotion of the spirit in which it envisages that which it sees freedom. Both the ancients considered intellectus as being previously beyond the globe selected to man. And however it belonged to man, although in one intellect superhuman; the simply human by itself could not satisfy man's powers of understanding, for man, of his very temperament, reaches out beyond the globe of the human. For Plato the finest in him is, even though the understanding which is mainly attribute of the human spirit happens in the form of fraction, never the less there is in it a type of contribution in the uncomplicated knowledge which is appropriate to superior beings, of whom it is consequently said that they hold the sense of religious visualization. But for Pieper, the aptitude to detain t he religious conscience in the similar way that our eye captures illumination or our ear sound. And is the noblest form of human existence. But awareness in philosophy is focussed upon the entire of being and begins with a scholarly instinct of being, as such rooted in the wisdom of touch; this is what is identical on both the authors. Plat

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Simulation of Address Resolution Protocol Dissertation

Simulation of Address Resolution Protocol - Dissertation Example HTYPE (Hardware Type). This is a 16-bit field defining the type of the network on which ARP is running. Each LAN has been assigned an integer based on its type. For example, Ethernet is given the type 1. ARP can be used on any physical network. PTYPE (Protocol Type). This is a 16-bit field defining the protocol. For example, the value of this field for the IPv4 protocol is 080016. ARP can be used with any higher-level protocol. HLEN (Hardware Length). This is an 8-bit field defining the length of the physical address in bytes. For example, for Ethernet, the value is 6. PLEN (Protocol Length). This is an 8-bit field defining the length of the logical address in bytes. For example, for the IPv4 protocol, the value is 4. OPER (Operation). This is a 16-bit field defining the type of packet. Two packet types are defined: 1 for ARP request and 2 for ARP reply. SHA (Sender Hardware Address). This is a variable-length field defining the physical address of the sender. For example. For Ethernet this field is 6 bytes long and contains the MAC address of sender. SPA (Sender Protocol Address). This is a variable-length field defining the logical (for example, IP) address of the sender. For the IP protocol, this field is 4 bytes long. THA (Target Hardware Address). This is a variable-length field defining the physical address of the target. For example, for Ethernet, this field is 6 bytes long. For an ARP request message, this field is all 0s because the sender does not know the physical address of the target.... ARP can be used with any higher-level protocol. HLEN (Hardware Length). This is an 8-bit field defining the length of the physical address in bytes. For example, for Ethernet, the value is 6. PLEN (Protocol Length). This is an 8-bit field defining the length of the logical address in bytes. For example, for the IPv4 protocol, the value is 4. OPER (Operation). This is a 16-bit field defining the type of packet. Two packet types are defined: 1 for ARP request and 2 for ARP reply. SHA (Sender Hardware Address). This is a variable-length field defining the physical address of the sender. For example. For Ethernet this field is 6 bytes long and contains the MAC address of sender. SPA (Sender Protocol Address). This is a variable-length field defining the logical (for example, IP) address of the sender. For the IP protocol, this field is 4 bytes long. THA (Target Hardware Address). This is a variable-length field defining the physical address of the target. For example, for Ethernet, this field is 6 bytes long. For an ARP request message, this field is all 0s because the sender does not know the physical address of the target. TPA (Target Protocol Address). This is a variable-length field defining the logical (for example, IP) address of the target. For the IPv4 protocol, this field is 4 bytes long. Encapsulation: An ARP packet is encapsulated directly into a data link frame. For example, an ARP packet is encapsulated in an Ethernet frame. Operation: Let us see how ARP functions on a typical internet. First, the steps involved have been described, then the four cases in which a host or router needs to use ARP have been discussed. STEPS INVOLVED. These are the steps involved in an ARP process: 1. The

Management Practices in Saudi Arabias Public Hospitals Dissertation

Management Practices in Saudi Arabias Public Hospitals - Dissertation Example The paper â€Å"Management Practices in Saudi Arabia’s Public Hospitals† examines the challenges relative to developing high quality health care in Saudi Arabia. It is known that the Saudi Arabian government has been giving high priority to health care in its developmental plans but despite the high spending, services in the sector are not up to the mark. It thus becomes imperative to examine managerial philosophies in the context of leadership styles, organizational culture and its relationship with quality management practices in public hospitals in the country. It is evident that quality management has not been adopted in the country’s public sector in the true spirit primarily because of the difficulties faced because of several factors relative to the country’s culture and barriers faced in implementing modern management practices. This research has focused on examining the hurdles and identifying the issues that prevent implementation of good managem ent practices. Given that quality is the focus of all organizations in a competitive environment, it becomes important for public hospitals in Saudi Arabia to make quality the highest priority in their functions. Although quality management connotes varied meanings for organizations, the healthcare sector needs to recognize that strict professional standards should be maintained by focusing on customer understanding and investments. Quality performance is known to strongly impact operational performance but the main issue is how to make the required achievements. The literature review has examined the viewpoints of several researchers that have considered how variables of quality management influence performance, such as external quality requirements, corporate support for quality, managerial knowledge, product complexity and organizational uncertainty. The size of the industry, country and processes undertaken by the organization are also determinants of quality management practice s. Whatever the circumstances that characterize the working of any organization, the support of the top management is essential to provide a meaningful direction to workers. Innovations are necessary in order to make improvements in services, procedures and products. In the context of public hospitals in Saudi Arabia, transformational leadership has been found to result in employee motivation and satisfaction. Using this style in healthcare helps in providing a clear concept about how quality services are to be provided in hospitals. Moreover, quality standards and other strategies help in improving the status and satisfaction of patients. Given that customer satisfaction is a measure of quality, evaluating and monitoring healthcare are important to achieve high standards in public hospitals. In the present context, socio economic progress in Saudi Arabia during the last thirty years can be seen in sectors such as transport, education and health. In view of the development in health services, longevity has increased in the country, while change in lifestyle has led to increase in chronic diseases. However, the Ministry of Health in the country is facing problems in making long term plans in health care because of the unavailability of reliable data relative to health facilities. But the health care sector in Saudi Arabia is being improved with the introduction of health insurance, paid medical services, privatization of medical services and decentralizing authority in hospitals. However, these measures are still in the infancy stage and healthcare continues to be free for all citizens as well as expatriates that work in the public sector. Free medical and rehabilitation services in hospitals, particularly in big cities, have

Saturday, August 24, 2019

ITunes price changes hurt some rankings Assignment

ITunes price changes hurt some rankings - Assignment Example The article points out that two days after Apple iTunes Music store raised its prices on some individuals tracks, the sales dipped and with that the rankings of the songs. The iTunes top 100 chart registered 40 songs at $1.29 and 60 songs at the normal $0.99 price point. After the price change, the $1.29 songs lost 5.3 places on the chart while the $0.99 songs gained an average 2.5 chart positions. These changes give a general idea of how incremental changes in revenue can be reached. Moving up and down the chart impacts the revenue greatly which in turn is impacted by price changes. These changes are solely chart position, but a general idea of incremental changes in revenue can be reached. By looking at the unit sales of the most recent Soundscan top track downloads chart, the different between chart positions can offer a view into how moving up and down the chart impacts revenue. An assumption here is that the iTunes Top 100 chart is representative of the Soundscan top track downl oads chart. Given its market dominance, this is a reasonable assumption. I chose this article because it gives a good idea of how small changes in price can turn around Sales. A significant notion raised by this article is the way in which how prices alter the rankings of songs in the music industry. The prices change the rankings and the rankings which in turn impact sales and revenue. This article relates to chapter nine of our text book in which key issues related to initiating and responding to price changes are discussed. Buyer reaction to price changes are a result of the value the customers see in the price change. (Glenn Peoples) Works Cited Glenn Peoples, Nashville. How iTunes Price Changes Hurt Some Rankings. 10 April 2009. 19 May 2011 . Article: 7 in 10 Americans say High gas prices hurt This article is related to a recent chapter that we covered from our text book. Customers don’t react to price changes in a very straight forward way. A price increase is expected to lower sales. This is because a brand’s price and its image are closely tied together. Price changes will alter consumer perception about a particular product and the way they want to consume it. Thus price is a very critical factor. I chose this article because it offers insight into how price changes in a mandatory commodity such as gas influences the common man. The survey was conducted by USA today in which they asked people if recent changes in prices of gasoline have impacted them financially. 7 in 10 Americans believed it did. More than half of them claimed that they have had to make changes to account for higher prices of gasoline. 21% of them felt the impact so heavily that they believed it jeopardized their standard of living. (Stauss) Stauss, Gary. 7 in 10 Americans say high gas prices hurt . 18 May 2011. 19 May 2011 . Article: Apple and Starbucks announce music partnership The article talks of the Apple and Starbucks music partnership. Under this partnership, cu stomers at Starbucks will be able to wirelessly browse, look around for music, buy and download music from the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store at Starbucks on their iPod touch, iphone, Mac or PCs running iTunes in a participating location. They will also be available to avail the new â€Å"Now Playing† service under which the name of the song playing in the Starbucks store at that particular moment will be shown. They will then be able to buy and download songs directly to their device. The partnership will benefit both Apple and Starbucks and is a classic example of horizontal marketing. I selected this article because I felt that having free access to the iTunes Wi-Fi Music store and the Now Playing service of Starbucks is a great ways to attract customers to both Starbucks and Apple iTunes. It will trigger greater revenues for both companies. This

Friday, August 23, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 8

Case Study Example The business model followed by Hanon compelled the managers to follow all the rules laid down by the corporate office down to every word. Therefore, the corporate office had complete control over all the operational activities of the restaurant chain. Looking at the initial results of success, the higher management decided to expand the business of China Delight. After the expansion the problem started surfacing. As a result of the expansion, the management had to hire general managers from outside. This decision making eventually proved to be the root cause of the downfall of China Delight. The previously implemented model of close control by the corporate office started creating friction with the newly appointed managers. Moreover, they did not possess any experience to run chain restaurants, so they had to be trained in order to get them habituated with the business and operational structure of Hanon. The training did not prove to be fruitful for China delight, as the managers mos tly ignored the instructions from the higher management and decided to run the operations based on their own knowledge and expertise. This as a result led to severe deviations from the operations manual provided by the corporate office thereby reducing its control over the restaurant chain. The newly appointed managers who did not had any experience in running restaurant chains failed to maintain consistency and quality standards, which hampered the brand image of the restaurant chain thereby reducing the foot fall level. The decreasing revenue and severe loss making became a severe concern for the company. Moreover, there was a communicational gap between the general managers and the corporate office, as the managers did not file regular reports and mostly ignored the instructions from the higher management; this as a result worsened the problem even further. There was also a great

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Love Is Not Bliss (Romeo & Juliet + Othello) A Thesis Essay Example for Free

Love Is Not Bliss (Romeo Juliet + Othello) A Thesis Essay One of the reasons that the works of Shakespeare are so renowned is simply for the fact that he can beautifully create moments of happiness, sadness, glory, agony, misery, love, betrayal and anything else which may fall in between (Krakauer 09). There are numerous situations in real life in which one person may fall deeply in love with another, but it will eventually turn out that it was never to occur in the first place. When it comes to Shakespeare, love is never meant to blossom in the plays Romeo and Juliet, and Othello. In the very first act of Romeo and Juliet, for example, we learn that there is a feud between the Montagues and the Capulets. Two households, both alike in dignity (In fair Verona, where we lay our scene) From Ancient grudge break into new mutiny (Act I Sc I). Romeo and Juliet fall instantly in love with each other. But, because of their families hatred, their happiness and youth are wasted. Juliet receives a marriage proposal from Paris, and agrees that she will consider marrying him if she likes him. After falling in love with Romeo however at first sight, she learns as he leaves that he is a Montague. She is struck with as much horror as he is after he finds out that she is a Capulet. It is just a little while later that Juliet delivers her famous speech: O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? O, be some other name! Whats in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. (Act II Sc II). Passion it is of course, but that contaminated term has in our day become helpless to express it. Purity would be the perfect word for it if the world had not forgotten that purity is simply Greek for fire (Krakauer 17). Juliet later discovers that her father has arranged for her to marry Paris in three days. She refuses to do so, and her father is furious over the fact that his daughter is so proud and ungrateful. She then turns to her mother but her mother refuses to listen to what she has to say. In desperation, she turns to the nurse for advice, and even the Nurse believes that Juliet should marry Paris, because Romeo was banished from Verona and is not likely to return. Juliet realized that everyone is against her, so she turned to  Friar Laurence for help. The Friar knows of a sleeping potion that Juliet would be able to use that would fool her family to believe that Juliet is dead. Juliet decided to use that potion on the very night that she is to wed Paris. When the family finds Juliet dead, the Friar says that they must arrange for a burial and carry Juliets body to the church. After Romeo (then in Mantua) learns that Juliet is dead, he buys some poison and intends to kill himself in the vault where Juliet lies. Paris is in the vault when Romeo arrives, and he assumes that Romeo is there for evil purposes. The two men then fight a duel, and Romeo realizes that he has killed Paris as he falls. He then gazes at Juliet in her tomb, and swallows the poison after giving her a last kiss. He instantly dies, and Juliet wakes up shortly thereafter. After she realizes that Romeo is dead, she takes his dagger and stabs herself with it. It is then that the families reconcile when it is too late. Statues were to be made in honor of the lovers. Cynics are fond of saying that if Romeo and Juliet had lived, their love would not have lasted (Krakauer 24).There is also numerous instances in Othello in which it is evident that love was never meant to blossom between Othello, and his wife Desdemona. Brabantio is the father of Desdemona. He regrets the fact that he allowed Desdemona to marry Othello, who just happens to be a Moor. He realized that he would have rather let a unestablished man named Roderigo take Desdemonas hand in marriage. Othello is accused of using witchcraft on his wife, and it is said that he is probably abusing her as well. However, when Desdemona is questioned, she admits that she has fallen in love with Othello and married him on her own will. Brabantio is furious when he hears his daughters confessions, and he practically disowns her. He then turns to Othello, and says Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see. She has deceived her father, and may thee (Act I Sc III). Then there is the notorious villain, Iago. He came up with a plan to make it seem like Desdemona was cheating on Othello with his friend, Michael Cassio. Iago feels hatred towards Othello because he passed him over, and promoted Cassio for a position. Iago also had suspicions that Othello may have been having an affair with Emilia (Iagos wife), and for that he wants get revenge on  Othello. Shakespeare gives Iago an outward appearance of honest virtue and has Othello consistently call him Honest Iago. (Krakauer 56). Iago has the tendency to be very convincing and manipulative. He manages to make money off of Roderigo by offering foolish advice followed by a great deal of logic. After much talk, Roderigo is even convinced to sell off his land, so he can have a lot of money in his hands to get the attention of Desdemona. It is safe to say that Iago is very much like the devil himself (Krakauer 62). This is evident in his soliloquy at the very end of Act I. He reveals to the audience that he wishes to abuse Othellos ear, and blacken Cassios name as well. Iago also tends to compare people to animals, such as when he says, The Moor is of a free and open nature that thinks men honest that but seem to be so, and will as tenderly be led by the nose as asses are. (Act I Sc III). Iago does indeed poison Othellos ears by convincing him to view the friendship between Desdemona and Cassio under a negative perspective. At a party, he gets Cassio to drink an excessive amount of liquor, which makes him drunk. At one point as Cassio gets in a fight with another person, Othello walks in, and Iago makes him take Cassios position away from him. Iago then goes over to Cassio and acts as if he is a friend to him. He tells Cassio to request Desdemona to convince Othello to give Cassio his position back. Desdemona agrees to do so, but all in a very innocent manner. Since Iago has plagued Othellos mind with false thoughts, Othello gets furious everytime that Desdemona mentions Cassios name. He begins to suffer mentally, and has trouble sleeping, and begins to snap at Desdemona over the slightest things. Eventually, Othello smothers Desdemona, and kills her. Emilia discovers what has happened, and cries out till Iago arrives. She then reveals the fact that Iago is a villain, and Iago kills her. Othello realizes that he has made a mistake, and kills himself, and Iago gets executed. The love stories in Romeo and Juliet, and Othello start off very nicely, but unfortunately end with tragic deaths.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Advertisements on YouTube

Advertisements on YouTube How YouTube TV Could Help Google Finally Crack the TV Ad Marketby Mike Shields (2017, March 1) Advertising is an imaginative and fast-moving industry that utilisations different media outlets to inspire individuals to purchase products and services and change their mentalities, reaches and motivate massive audiences. This industrys growth increases rapidly because of the changing social patterns and economic liberalisation that are happening today. The most recent couple of years have seen a noteworthy move in the advertising business, with billions of dollars that once streamed into TV ads being moved to the world of online video. YouTube has been among the greatest winners of this change, which is being driven to a limited extent by viewers who progressively pick far from broadcast television companies and costly cable packages. Furthermore, a streaming TV service will be soon offered by YouTube for individuals who would prefer not to pay for a traditional cable. In this essay, I am going to analyse an article How YouTube TV Could Help Google Finally Crack the TV Ad Market w hich was written by Mike Shields (2017) andÂÂ   how a new launched YouTube TV will open even bigger possibilities for advertisers of both persuasive and informative mechanisms by using economic approach of advertising. Advertising can address particular sections by highlighting an association between their identity to the item and the brand. The most recent couple of years have seen a noteworthy move in the advertising business, with billions of dollars that once streamed into TV ads being moved to the universe of online video. YouTube has been among the biggest winners of this transformation, which is being driven in part by viewers who increasingly opt away from broadcast television networks and expensive cable packages. About 40 percent of millennial households rely on just an internet connection for entertainment.(V. Piana, 2005) The major advantages of YouTube launching a TV will be that advertisers will easily reach the younger audience, one of the most valuable and important consumers, as the price of the TV package will be affordable $35 per month for 40-plus channels and youth will be able to access it on their smartphones, and computers live and on demand which is a huge advantage as the y do not to watch anything in the traditional setting. The Google-owned video company will offer channels as CBS, ABC, NBC, ESPN etc. By appealing bigger audience, the YouTube TV would increase the number of people watching the commercials; therefore the companies which advertise their products would receive higher revenues, build loyalty and increase referrals. It would lead the businesses to get a decent chance of catching a market share. They would let the buying client realise that they are keeping up a powerful effort to stay indispensable in the marketplace. It also would build a reputation with the customer. The principle effects of advertising is in sale volumes and a product differentiation, by decreasing the relative level of substitution, so to sustain an excellent price over the competitors, which will ensure genuinely high margin on costs, leading to high benefits. Within an industry, firms will differ in the volume of sales and the geographic territory in which they sell. (D. G. Tuerck, 1978) It is really important for commercial firms to find a right advertising strategy in order to be noticed. Even consumer preferences changes over time and they are not usually aware of that as they have vague feelings and intuitions, aspirations. Marketing procedures can fluctuate in the broadness of the product line offered, the number of various brand names attached to things in the line, the rate of new brand presentation, the cost and quality levels of the items, and various different measurements; therefore, segmentation and targeting play significant roles in advertising industry. Withou t a right choice of target market firms would not be able to sell their goods and services. In order to achieve the best outcome businesses instead of trying to serve everyone, need to identify the most attractive parts of the market that they could effectively serve. Markets differ in age, income, preferences, academic ability, geographic location and other characteristics. Furthermore, to analyse current sales, growth rates and expected profitability for various segments. Consider effects of: competitors, availability of substitute products and, the power of buyersÂÂ   and suppliers. As mentioned in the article, different households and viewers could receive different ads based on their shopping history or whats going on in the world at a given moment (M. Shields, 2017); it means that if the firms will be able to target the right audience, they will attract more customers by advertising as better targeted advertising will be developed which is a huge benefit for both customer s not to be annoyed by not interesting ads; and advertisers avoid unsatisfied customer reviews. Advertising interfaces a good to a need, proposing that by consuming the good the need will be satisfied. A typical technique is to interface the product or service to the most fundamental and all-inclusive needs, while without promoting the good would be considered to be a much smaller application and utility. In fact numerous advertisements guarantee happiness to the purchaser, much exaggerating the sensible impact of the product. Moreover, it has been contended that promoting revives latent need or even makes new needs, which prior were not felt. In this manner, promoting tend to raise a whole class of items to higher positioning as far as of perceived needs. In any case, buyers limited rationality, for the most part, confines the number of brands that are remembered in relationship to a class. At the point when asked to name brands from a specific classification (e.g. soft drinks), the customer will immediately reply with the most publicised known brands he knows about, for ins tance: Coca-Cola, Pepsi. YouTube TV will create a huge possibility for less-known brands to increase their popularity as Google may have access to about two minutes of commercial time each hour to sell to advertisers on the cable networks featured in the service.(M. Shields, 2017) During that period of time even smaller brands will be able to reach their potential customers, show products and service for the people who will be interested in that particular area. Consumer preferences are not given but change over time and the bundle of goods that consumers buy does not remain constant but changes radically in composition.(Lees, 1967) One of the basic factors in tis position is the increasing real income of buyers as individuals get better off if they do not just spend more on products that they are already purchasing but consistently redistribute their growing salary over another pattern of expenditure. New items are presented, so customers require information and are ready to pay for it. However, the new launched YouTube TV will create some major difficulties for the cable television. We are entering another period of TV where the conveyance is being downgraded and new models for programming are starting to implement. We are moving toward a tipping point where what we used to call television is transforming into something else at the moment. Cable suppliers, on the off chance that they will try to survive, should improve their plans of action e.g. make their business model look more innovative to attract more people. So that, the advertising firms will be rather advertising where the major population invest their money in. As Google tries to break into the in-home and television advertising market and if the advertising will be profitable on YouTube TV then it will definitely steal a huge market share from the competitors. YouTube, which earns the majority of its revenue from advertising, is forecast to generate over $7bn in sales worldwide in 2017, according to rese arch group eMarketer. (H. Kutchler, 2017) Within the article M. Shields (2017) commented that Mr. Ferber believes that if Google would lower the products subscription rate, it might steal the market share from its competitors, e.g. MVPD (Multichannel Video Programming Distributor). As a consequence of that, YouTube might become the biggest advertising market by overwhelming the traditional TV. According to B. Chaplin and B. Sturgess heavy expenditure of promotion is resulting in bigger concentration in markets. (1981) It means that a shift in the TV from linear feeds to streams would lead to a better development in technology and innovation. And this shift would lead to a higher level of advertising which has a positive cost to society. Bibliography Alba, D. (2017). Google Takes on Cable With YouTube TV-40 Channels for $35. [online] WIRED. Available at: [Last accessed 20 March, 2017]. Chiplin, B. and Sturgess, B. (1981). Economics of advertising. London: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. pp. 104. (2017). Advertising a key concept in Economics and Management. [online] Available at: [Last accessed 1 March, 2017]. (2017). YouTube to launch cable TV package aimed at younger audience. [online] Available at: [Last accessed 10 March, 2017]. Lees, D. (1967). The economics of advertising. 1st ed. London: The Advertising Association, pp.71. Shields, M. (2017). How YouTube TV Could Help Google Finally Crack the TV Ad Market. [online] WSJ. Available at: [Last accessed 20 March, 2017]. Tuerck, D. (1978). Issues in Advertising. 1st ed. Washington: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, pp. 99.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Personal development of employees within marks and spencer

Personal development of employees within marks and spencer Personal improvement or development involves the actions that enhance personal knowledge and individuals entity, improve the hidden talent potential, and develop talents. It improves the individuals life standards and makes him professional person that can easily convert his dreams into the reality. The word personal development is not only related to the individuals skills and attitude it also improves the behaviors, attitude and ethics of others. At the end we can say that personal development is also plays a vital role in the improvement of the organizations structure that can be a organizational strategies, evaluation methods, and provide help to improve the strategies of the organization. Personal development is vast topic and it provides a good help in the dynamic business environment because of personal development the individual can improve his skills and knowledge that helps to develop the strategical ambitions of the organization. And these improved skills like knowledge, attitude, and behavior are vary important and necessary to achieve the long term goals and ambitions of the organization in a real sense. The organization that I have chosen for this assignment is Marks Spencer that is doing business of retail out let in the United Kingdom (UK). Since the 1880s, it is doing business on the strict customs that is spread in all over the United Kingdom (UK). Now the Marks Spencer is considered as the one of the very famous in the retail outlets. Even in the services of food the Marks Spencer has created it good name in the eyes of the customer in the whole United Kingdom (U K). Particularly in 1990s there was bid decline in the sales of the Marks Spencer and as well as overall performance of the organization. But with a lot of changes now the Marks Spencer is offering the high quality products at very reasonable prices to attract and win the confidence of its customers. First of all in this assignment I tried to identify and evaluate the individuals skills and behaviour that is necessary to fulfil the aims and objectives of the Marks Spencer. And after that I am going to discuss the leadership development and personal development tools and techniques. Strategy is direction to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. OR Strategy is track through the organization can achieve its long term plans. Strategy provides a way to organization through which organization can fulfill its objectives by using its resources in a dynamic environment to congregate the requirements of the market. The mission statement of the Marks Spencer is Making inspirational quality accessible to all And the vision statement of the Marks Spencer is The standard against which all others are measured The values of the Marks Spencer are Quality, value, service, innovation and trust Marks Spencer wishes to expend its business all over the world and it can be achieved by the companys strategies of to understand the global culture, to select the proper target market and by niche market and in a real sense this is the main objective and aims of the Marks Spencers to be achieved. Evaluate the strategic skills required of the leader to achieve the strategic ambitions The strategic goals of the Marks Spencer is to be the number one in United Kingdom (UK) market and as well as to expand it business activities. Leader plays a vital role in the progress of the organization because the leaders have the future vision and direction for the employees and for the whole organization to achieve its objectives and goals efficiently effectively. The headship has the ability to bring the change in the organization without the disturbance of the strategies and working of the organization. So the headship improvement/development is a necessary thing for Marks Spencer to achieve its objective and goals. This organization must have to render the opportunities for the leaders to enhance their skills by giving the headship training and this training can change the style of doing business of the organization. It is not necessary that every leader requires a same level of training. The training can be different for different leaders. So the headship development is a necessary tool for the Marks Spencer to achieve its strategic goal and objectives. Leadership skills and knowledge is necessary to achieve the ambitions of the organization without the competencies of the leaders it is very difficult for the organization to achieve the organizational objectives. Different skills are required for the leadership to achieve the goals are Communication skill is very important and plays a vital role fro the improvement of the itself leaders and for the organization as well because if the leaders have not the communication skill they can not make progress and even they are not able to communicate with the other peoples and colleagues as well. Hence the communication skill is necessary. Problem solving and decision making skills are also necessary for the headship. The leaders must have the problem solving skill and he is able to solve the issues of the currently facing by the organization and the leader must be able to take a good and favorable decision for the betterment of the Marks Spencer. The leaders must have the skill to adopt the changes and he will be able to bring a favorable change in the environment of the organization so that the organization can run its business activities efficiently and can make progress. The leaders must have the honesty and flexibility skill so that they can make the honest and fair decision for the improvement of the organization and to achieve the organizational goals. And the leaders must have the skill of providing direction to its staff and the skill to cover and solve the issues of the employees and organization. The current skills of the leaders of Marks Spencer leaders are: Communication skill, work value skill, skill of honesty truthfulness, the skill of self-assurance, headship ability and skill of listening The leaders must have the skill to critically scan the environment by using the PESTL factors. Interpersonal skill so that the leaders can exchange the information with one an other without any hesitation, the time management skill so that the leaders can manage the time between their personal and professional life and the leaders must have the ability to take initiative with out any fear and for the betterment of the organization. As well as the existing skill concern the leaders of the Marks Spencer have the communication skill, honesty skill, headship ability and listening skill but they dont have the skill to take initiative, skill to scan the environment, Time management skill, the skill of adoptive and flexibility skill. Proper evaluation process and proper training of the leadership will be required in near future to achieve the organizational aims and goals. 2.1 The opportunities those are necessary to support the leadership development. 360 degree response analysis 360 degree feedback is a tool to measure and analyze the leadership improvement. So because of this I choose 360 degree feedback to support the leadership development. This tool is used to exploit the skills and competencies of headship. 360 degree feedback includes the feedback or response from reports, managers, primary and secondary stakeholders and as well as self-response. This tool will provide the improved skills and enhance the attitude of the headship so in this regard it will be very helpful for the headship. This 360 degree provide response/feedback to the leaders on variety of skills like Decision-making teamwork setting up goals communiquà © and many other categories of headship The 360 degree feedback analysis wills also help the headship to recognize the strength and the places/areas of loop fall and ultimately provide help to the headship to make and improve the strategic plans of the organization. A strong 360 degree response/feedback identifies the internal behavior and skills of the leaders that how to communicate with others in the critical situation and how to face the challenges. Another excellent personal assessment tool for employees, managers, and executives is the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a popular and fascinating assessment tool that helps people self-identify: How they prefer to direct or conserve their energy How they process and organize information How they tend to make decisions How they prefer to interact with people What blind spots they have as a result of these preferences Another assessment tool is Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) This is one of the best tool to analyze/assess the performance of the leaders/headship, workers etc. This tool helps the leadership to identify their skills like. How can leaders favor to save their vigor How can they flow information frequently How can they make influential decisions for the organization How can they communicate with others in a good way Some important opportunities that are helpful to promote the leadership development are as under Educational opportunities: Education is very important for the headship development of any organization. Education plays a vital role for development of leadership. So the educational opportunities are the key factor for headship improvement because without getting proper education no body can do any thing properly hence the leadership must have to identify the opportunities that are related to education and that can improve the performance of the organizations leaders. Training opportunities: Another opportunities that is very important for the organizations leaders that is to explore the training opportunities for the employees. Because of the training the leaders can improve the performance of the staff members and other low level employees. Development opportunities: To develop the staff and employees and as well as the leaders is very necessary for the organization and plays a vital role in the betterment and the success of the organization. Career planning opportunities: To explore opportunities that are in favor of the headship and as well as for the organization but with the opportunities of career planning this thing is no be neglected that the career of employees is very important so to identify opportunities that will not affect the career of the employees. 2.2 The example of one year personal development plan Skills are very important for the organization while conducting a kill audit of the Marks Spencer I as a manager identify the skills that are necessary for the headship development are as under Skill of communicate, flexibility skill, adoptive skill, work value skill, skill of honesty truthfulness, the skill of self-assurance, headship ability, skill of listening, the skill to cover the issues, the skill of good writing. These are very important skills for the improvement of headship of the organization The skills that need to be improved are: The skill of flexibility, adoptive skill, how to cover the management issues, headship issues, the skill of truthfulness and integrity, ability to watch the forecasted picture, multitask. These are the main parts of the organization where the loop falls are identified. How to improve the above skills: The above deficiencies of the skills can be improved by many ways. These skills can be improved through proper channel and by giving the proper training to the staff and the headship as well. By giving the some improvement and enhancement programs through the proper institute these loop falls can be improved and removed. But to remove these loop falls the headship requires the full attention and proper evaluation of the employees. To permanently remove these loop falls the organization needs the proper financial resources and to manage and allocate these resources is not an easy task. So the leaders needs to proper emphases on the management performance. Hence the leaders identified the financial resources and proper institutes where the employees can take training on the loop falls and can remove that loop falls. So the leaders can allocate the sufficient fund to perform this task efficiently and effectively. To record the progress I as a manager evaluate the organization by monthly or twice in a month in the initial stages either the employees are working better after getting the training or not. And with the passage of time I as a manager evaluate the performance of the employees and the result are very different from the previous performance. Hence the performance and working of the employees and management of the organization is improved very well. 2.3 Implementation process for the development plan Goals are very important for the success of the organization because without identifying the goals of the no any organization can make success. Total focus of the Marks Spencer of the retail outlet of United Kingdom (UK) is on some of the main important and key development goals are as following 100% have possession of Brand: The organizations (Marks Spencer) aim is to sell only own products and items so that the organization can give the guarantee to its consumers to provide the quality, value and after sale services that the organization promise to deliver. Expand High-Growth Areas of house magnificence: House basis business is growing rapidly with house fixtures and gifts are the faster improving sectors. Magnificence, although comparatively small, but it is also increasing day by day. Improve the Supply Chain: Marks Spencer whishes to watch the considerable benefits from the repute of the supply chain management. Marks Spencer also wishes to achieve the greater improvements in the quality, after sale services and easy accessibility. Marks Spencer also want to be the number one in the United Kingdom (UK) and as well as all over the world. By capturing response and feed back of the headship the Marks Spencer wants to improve the strategic goals and strategies. Because feedback is very important for the success of the organization and for the management as well so the Marks Spencer wishes to improve the feedback program of the leadership. And by taking response from the management. To achieve the organizational goal is the key task for the organization. So to achieve the strategic goals of the organization planning is very important. Marks Spencer is achieving his organizational goals by evaluating the performance of the employs and by making future strategies and to cut the long term strategic goals of the organization into the short term goals so that the goals can be achieved easily. Marks Spencer proper monitor the performance of the employees and staff against the task given to them and take decisions to make this thing possible and effective. The performance monitoring program is very good in Marks Spencer and this organization takes the possible measurements to achieve the strategic goals and break the long term goals into short term goals hence when the short term goals are achieved it means the long term goals are automatically achieved. The leadership of this organization is always busy in providing the superior tasks and good training but after that the leader wants the superior result in response. Assessment of the achievement of outcomes of the plan against original objectives: Yes all the things have achieved like development need, objectives and outcomes. Development needs of this organization are Decision-making, teamwork, setting up goals and how to communicate with other employees. And all the outcomes of the organization are achieved because the organization increases its profit by the end of this financial year. All the strategic aims and plans of the organization were well defined and organized properly. All these activities were monitored properly by the management so because of this all the goals of this organization achieved very well and according to plan. In next time I as a manger dont think about the changing of the strategies of the organization because organization is working properly and increases productivity day by day and the performance of the employees is also going good. The impact of the achievement of objectives on strategic ambitions: Objectives play a vital role in the success of the organizations success. The impact of the achievement is positive on the strategic goals o f the organization because if the organization achieves his goals step by step and go forward step by step then obviously it will put the best and positive effect on the aim of organization. The trust of the customers will increased by this thing and the brand equity will also be increased. Definitely when the performance and turn over ration of the organization will increase and the organization will achieved its defined strategic objectives than i will make a new mission statement of my organization. Now this organization is need to going globally and has to expend its business activities in all over the world. And after that obviously the Marks Spencer will make new strategic marketing plans to promote its business activities all over the world. While going globally the organization needs to improve its marketing plans and needs to diversify its recruitment process because work force diversity is very important for any organization to be successful in the global market. And the organization needs to know the culture of the other countries before going globally. After doing all these things effectively and efficiently the organization achieved its impact that was the organization looking for. The positioning and targeting of the organization was very effective and good and the strategies for going global were also proved that it was in favour of the organization. The vision statement of the organization was very nice and the customers were attracted by this new statement. Because of the new marketing strategies and target marketing the organization achieved the  £20K profit in the recent financial year. 3.3 Yes almost all the development needs achieved but this is not enough because the organization wants to be the number one in all over the world. And yes all the development objectives achieved by the organization and all the outcomes that were needed to the organization were achieved by the organization. Yes the achievement impact on strategic ambitions has been evaluated and analysed. Successful strategies and by the proper targeting marketing the strategic ambitions of the organization achieved and evaluated. No there is no need to auction the existing development of the organization. And yes of course the development needs that are required to the organization in future are identified properly that is organization needs to go global and for this it needs more finances are competent skills are required. As well as the concern about the new development objectives that are also be identified that the organization wants to be the number one in all over the world and wishes to expand it s business activities globally. 4.1 Employers have a lawful duty to make sure that the work surroundings and work practices are secure and that the fitness of their employees is not damage by the job that they perform. The managers persistent to contribute in Work Well a targeted anxiety management programme. The Marks Spencer also contributed in the business Health and recital business study Marks and Spencer introduced precautions for Fire, Health and Safety performance, based on a Combination of self-assessment and expert inspections every three months. An improved Asbestos management plan has also been introduced. So because of health and safety program the marks and Spencer decreases its cost of production in a long run and also minimize the uncertainty of the organization. It reduces the average rate of accidents due to negligence and due to safe environment the attendance of employees is improved. The marks Spencer is promoting its health Safety program by introduces a community investment program that emphasis on four areas employability, education, health and community safety. Hence because of the efficient health Safety program the Marks Spencer is successful in reducing the rate of accidents by 25 percent and adds the 8 percent increase in the profit. All these activities definitely helped the Marks Spencer to achieve the strategic goals and to expand its business activities into the new markets of the world. In this assignment I identified the different individual/personal skills of the leaders of the Marks Spencer to fulfill the objective and aims of the organization. And I also had made effort to explore and evaluate the current and future skills of the leaders to enhance the performance of the management and that can improve the productivity of the organization. And at the end I tried to make the personal development plan for the Marks Spencer for one financial year in which I audit the skills of the leaders and identified different skills that need to be improved and that helps the deliberate goals of the organization in the current dynamic business environment. Hence the marks Spencer is really needed to change in its strategies while going global up to some extant so that it can achieve its global objectives.